Bowmo 2.0 as a Unified HR-Tech Platform — Advanced Technology and Integrated System Architecture Powering the New User Experience

9 min readNov 1, 2023


Author: Petra Palusova / Contributors: Michael Neece, Keith Carlson

The development and deployment of technology within human resources, commonly referred to as HR-Tech, is driven by today’s fast-paced, data-driven world. HR-Tech is used by employers to help better manage their changing workforce and workplace, and by recruiters to greatly improve the processes and protocols for finding, vetting and placing candidates. These software applications are now moving from linear ridgid systems toward non-linear and flexible systems that keep pace with the needs of the current and future workforces.

This move to HR-Tech is not just about modernization, this is about monetization: new HR systems aim to drastically increase operating efficiencies by accommodating complex workflows that go beyond the constraints of time, distance and organizational boundaries. In addition to meeting the organization’s requirements, these new systems need to allow seamless process orchestration across a network of external partners and integration of multiple single-purpose applications. Advanced technology is well-suited for handling these complexities in new, simplified ways that automate repetitive tasks so users free the bandwidth to focus on higher-value activities. For example, when HR systems are automating repetitive recruiting and HR workflows, HR practitioners have time for adding more strategic value to the business.

This article explores the current state of HR systems, and introduces the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Extended Reality (XR). Together AI and XR are poised to deliver the next generation of HR-Tech solutions. We will brainstorm about new capabilities of the Bowmo 2.0 platform and highlight how AI and XR simplify workflows while enabling users to take control over macro activities through an intuitive interface.

From Linear to Adaptive — Current Challenges in HR Systems

HR-Tech encompasses a wide range of digital tools, designed to assist HR professionals in managing people, processes, and data effectively. While these technological advancements have brought remarkable improvements to HR processes, they have also stumbled upon certain complexities. For example, despite the capabilities of modern Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), checking a candidate’s job references is still a labor intensive, time consuming, low-value process involving multiple emails and phone calls with the candidate, the candidate’s references, 3rd-party recruiting agencies, the internal company recruiter, the hiring manager and many others. ATSs are an excellent example of the new single purpose HR apps, forcing organizations to continue to struggle with isolated systems and fragmented data. In this new realm of HR-Tech, AI and XR will automate processes, employing Machine Learning (ML) to constantly acquire new ways to improve workflows and deliver increasing value to the business.

1. Beautiful linear and sequential systems

The majority of recognized advances in linear systems during the past 10 years have been due to improvements to the User Interface (UI). Unfortunately, the foundational data structures and sequential workflows that drive how these systems work have remained largely the same, hampering any fundamental improvements. The conventional approach to HR processes mirrors a relay race, where each step must be executed sequentially, much like a runner passing a baton to the next runner. This linear process can also be compared to assembling a jigsaw puzzle one agonizing piece at a time. Such an approach leads to bottlenecks, delayed responses, errors, and cumbersome procedures. Linear systems are a hindrance in the real world, where parallel workflows are necessary to handle the complex fluidity of HR operations.

2. System and data fragmentation

Imagine a library with a huge collection of books, but without a catalog to organize them. That’s how information management looks within the existing world of HR and business systems. Multiple HR software apps each cater to a specific HR function, like recruiting, payroll, benefits, performance management, succession planning and more. But each special-purpose app is running in isolation, resulting in fragmented data being chaotically stored in the data-warehouse. This lack of data sharing between systems prevents cross-functional collaboration and hampers business leaders from gaining a comprehensive view of department workflows.

In pursuit of integrated systems, HR departments often replace their multiple apps with a large monolithic system that claims to be “a single source of data truth”. Implementing these large monolithic systems requires years of multi-million dollar customizations to match each organization’s unique workflows. But when internal processes change, as they always do, another round of expensive customizations is required. This customization cycle leaves users frustrated, forcing them to find their own isolated work-arounds that create more data silos. For example, technical hiring managers frustrated with poor resume screening from an ATS often download database subsets from the ATS, then write their own software scripts to find qualified candidate resumes.

3. End user experience challenges

End users encompass a broad spectrum — HR professionals, business employees, vendors, and job applicants. Current HR software is often not intuitive enough to self-navigate. That includes accessing or updating information and executing tasks fast enough. Job applicants encounter confusing and repetitive application processes with required data fields that block the application from applying unless they enter their compensation data, even when requiring this data is becoming illegal in many US states. This is one of many examples of a user experience (UX) that frustrates applicants and limits candidate pools, that hinders hiring, team performance, and business outcomes.

The New User Experience — Comprehensive Upgrade for All Users

The convergence of AI and XR is set to maximize human productivity while simultaneously enhancing the effectiveness of HR systems. It is a holistic approach — rather than managing and fixing individual components, it focuses on an integrated solution that brings together strategies, processes, technologies and people in a synchronous manner. Bowmo 2.0 will be an HR software solution that allows companies to be more agile and competitive.

The new systems combine data-centric and user-centric approaches — advanced data processing is combined with a highly intuitive, adaptive and user-friendly interface for all types of users.The new user experience will respond to the needs of the following three actors:


The user journey for employers focuses on streamlined talent management and alignment of the workforce with organizational goals, emphasizing:

  1. Access to a streamlined, data-rich dashboard: Employers need a comprehensive view of their (potential) workforce. They need to be able to access insights, analytics, and data-driven recommendations at their fingertips to make informed decisions and strategic planning based on real-time updates.
  2. Identifying high-potential employees: Data-driven insights can identify high-potential employees within the organization. The data-centric approach ensures that this identification is based on concrete information, which leads to targeted talent development and succession planning.
  3. Access to talent gap forecasts: This feature is a critical component of data-driven decision-making, so the employers can proactively identify areas where specific skills or expertise are currently lacking or will be lacking in the future, enabling them to make strategic hiring or development decisions.
  4. Streamlined recruitment with AI: AI assists employers, just like recruiting firms, by streamlining the candidate screening and matching process. Employers are presented with candidates who are the best fit for the job, while AI automates all repetitive tasks that facilitate the hiring process.
  5. Immersive interview skill development: Hiring teams can rapidly improve their interviewing skills using AI- and XR-powered e-learning modules that are customized for the position they are interviewing for, and their personal preferences.
  6. Immersive onboarding: XR can replicate real-world scenarios, for example offering an immersive introduction to the company work culture and selection of company benefits. The whole process can be assisted by virtual assistants that automate tedious employee onboarding tasks.
  7. Efficiency and engagement: Data-centric decision-making, AI-driven recruitment, and XR-based onboarding enhance an effective talent management process, leaving plenty of time for personalized interaction at the human level.

Recruiting Agencies

The user journey for agencies and 3rd-party vendors starts with understanding their role as a bridge between employers and candidates. AI and XR empowers agencies to be the connector and facilitator of relationships between clients and candidates, based on the following:

  1. Access to multiple databases: Recruiting firms need access to multiple databases of candidate information. Once these data sources are enhanced by AI, they will provide insights into candidates’ skills, experiences, and aspirations, enabling a more thorough and accurate assessment.
  2. Data-driven candidate screening: Here, AI assists recruiting firms in screening candidates based on selection criteria defined by the hiring manager. Using machine learning algorithms, AI quickly identifies candidates whose profiles match job requirements.
  3. Matching candidates to job opportunities: AI facilitates the matching of candidates to job opportunities. By analyzing job descriptions, identifying the required skills, and matching candidates from millions of profiles, AI streamlines the matching process to improve candidate sourcing/matching productivity.
  4. Immersive candidate assessment: XR is a game-changer,enabling recruiting firms to provide candidates with immersive experiences that simulate real work scenarios. For instance, candidates can participate in virtual job tasks or projects that mirror responsibilities for the prospective position.
  5. Building trust and meaningful relationships: With AI automating tasks like sourcing and matching, recruiters can shift their focus to building more meaningful relationships with clients and candidates.
  6. Effective candidate selection: The streamlined process, with the assistance of AI and XR, equips recruiting firms with data-backed insights and immersive assessments, allowing for an increased likelihood of successful placements.
  7. Talent attraction: The people-centric approach facilitated by AI and XR delivers a personalized recruiting experience for each candidate. Immersive and personalized experiences engage hard-to-find candidates in multi-sensory modalities which lead to attracting more top talent, hiring the best teams, and producing better business results.

Job Seekers

Finally, for job seekers, the user experience should provide a personalized experience that equips them with what they need to excel in their careers and enjoy the job search process.

  1. A user-friendly platform: Job seekers need a platform that prioritizes their experience with an intuitive, easy to navigate interface that caters to their preferences.
  2. Personalized job recommendations: Data-driven job seeking should offer personalized job recommendations based on skills, career aspirations, and preferences that are tailored to each individual, increasing the likelihood of a successful job match.
  3. Streamlined application process with AI: AI automates various aspects of the job application process, making it quicker and more enjoyable. AI can also assist with filling out applications, matching their skills to job requirements, optimizing resumes, drafting cover letters, and providing instant feedback on their qualifications.
  4. Immersive skills development: XR offers immersive, hands-on training experiences that allow job seekers to develop the skills needed for their desired roles. For example, immersive training modules can mirror real-world job tasks and scenarios. AI and XR can also be used to simulate upcoming interviews so each candidate is prepared to communicate their talents accurately to the interviewers.
  5. Enhanced career growth: If the job seekers enter the job market with skills honed through XR-based training, it contributes to higher job satisfaction and more significant career advancements.

Bowmo 2.0 — A Unified HR-Tech Solution

Bowmo 2.0 is being engineered to propel companies into a future of interconnected and streamlined human resource management. At the heart of the system are technologies that organize, unify, integrate and synchronize everything into one agile HR system, achieved through application and data source integration, digital twinning and synchronization mechanisms.

Unification of the system reflects simplified and streamlined workflows, which are transformed into a user-friendly landscape and effortless user experience catering to different groups of users. Employers, recruiting agencies and job seekers will be able to benefit from:

  • A singular platform with all integrated applicationsBowmo 2.0 brings together all integrated applications, eliminating the need for multiple, disjointed systems and ensuring that all tools and resources are easily accessible in one place.
  • Seamless and easy user experience — one that is intuitive and user-friendly, making it easier for users to navigate the system and find the information or tools they need.
  • Real-time updated and synchronized workflows — ensuring that all processes are up-to-date and in sync, eliminating the risk of errors or delays.
  • Virtual doubles, immersive interviews and trainings — virtual interview sessions will provide a realistic and engaging experience for users.
  • AI-automated task management and communication tools — streamlining processes and facilitating smooth communication between different stakeholders.
  • Cross-platform collaboration — ensuring that the HR system can easily integrate and work in harmony with other systems and tools used by the organization.
  • User-centric design — catering to individual needs and preferences, ensuring that the system is flexible and adaptable to the unique requirements of each user.

Bowmo 2.0 is not just a new HR tool; it’s a comprehensive solution that brings together the best of proven and emerging technologies to create the next level of productivity and engagement, but also is a pleasure to use. It’s a generational step forward in the world of HR technology, bringing together AI, XR and workflow automation, that promises to revolutionize the way companies manage their most critical resource — the human resource.

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